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The American Academy of Procedural Medicine’s Interventional Pain Management courses have remained one of our most popular training programs for physicians. This 3-Day pain management training will provide the latest interventional pain management injections techniques and diagnosis procedures presently being utilized. Pain related services continue to rank as the highest paying sub specialty services for physicians. The pain management training incorporates all of the topics needed to integrate pain management services within your practice whether it be comprehensive or just segments of the program study. Receive the necessary “standard of care” to be able to recognize the various pathologies presented to you by U.S. Board Certified Pain specialists.
Interventional Pain Management Training
This is a comprehensive course for physicians to learn and receive their Pain Management Certification onhow to properly test, diagnose, and treat a variety of pain related presentations by your patient. Emphasis is placed on anatomy, pain pathologies, and treatment options available to your patient. Over the 3-Day event, extensive training will be provided on a multitude of interventional pain management techniques with a focus on treating lumbar spinal disorders using the various injection modalities. All protocols for the spinal injections are given including medicines needed for the chemical neurolysis (facet joints), epidurals, and steroid joint injections. Physicians will be trained on and perform the various spinal injections, including facet joint, epidural (lateral foraminal, central, caudal), sympathetic nerve blocks, sacroiliac as well as other joint and specialty injections on human cadavers and other training models throughout the course study.
The use of medical devices for many of the spinal injections are taught for the various large joints and tendon/sheaths including the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. Specialty injections using Botulinum Toxin for muscle spasticity and hyaluronic acid for visco-supplementation for shoulders and knees are part of the course study. Chronic pain management is also included within the program study for the management of chronic pain and safe administration of prescriptions within your practice. In addition, physical therapy options are discussed for those patients that need orthopedic rehabilitation after receiving pain management procedures.
We know that with the alarmingly high numbers of patients suffering with Sexual Dysfunction is an equally high demand for treatment and return to a pleasurable, intimate lifestyle. It is also important, however, to treat ED promptly to prevent further deterioration and disuse atrophy, which is the typical progression of this disease when treatment is not provided early on.
Interventional Pain Management Training
As part of the training you will learn the palpatory technique for performing many of these pain procedures but will also be able to utilize fluoroscopyfor the more invasive injections such as the spinal injections. Image Guidance (Fluoroscopy) is typically a “must have” in performing spinal injections but is not completely necessary. Hands-on training is utilized at the program using fluoroscopic guided injections for the spine and ultrasound/palpatory methods is utilized to demonstrate the other joint and trigger point injections.
The hands on portion of the training will be performed after the didactic in a lab setting utilizing either custom fabricated injection models or by human cadaver. Supervision of the injection procedures are by top pain management physicians and specialists with extensive, day to day experience in Pain Management Injections.
You will learn specifically how to perform the Palpatory Method, as well as learn to perform the various injections using the latest Fluoroscopic techniques. This includes working on volunteer patients, injection models or cadavers from the local medical school.
Physicians will learn specific methods to ensure the appropriate reimbursement for these high paying procedures, as well as learn the business principles to successfully integrate these new services into their practice. You will learn to access local Medicare policies for your geographic area. We urge attendees to follow their local Medicare and insurance carrier’s guidelines.
Interventional Pain Management Training
After completion of the course you will be able to develop a correct diagnosis of your patient’s pain symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan for the management of pain. Attendees will learn how to perform various cervical and lumbar examinations using established “standard of care” testing methods that meet the highest standards. After performing a comprehensive history and physical exam, you will be able to create your diagnosis and treatment plan thus using either technologies or by additional testing such as the following:
The course study begins with didactic material that will cover the technical principles of a diverse range of procedures and diagnosis of the various pathologies associated with pain. Pathologies that will be discussed in depth suggest the most common types of pain management that you will encounter within your practice and include the following:
Chronic pain is present in many patients where even though they suffer from any of a variety of pathologies it can only be managed by prescription drugs. As part of the program we will instruct you in a safe manner how to manage pain by the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Indications for the use of these NSAIDS as well as the contraindications for their use are discussed as well as treating testosterone deficiency which can be caused by extended NSAID use or andropause.
Upon Completion of this program, the physician should be able to:
The American Academy of Procedural Medicine offer these pain management courses to help you become confident and have a full understanding in performing and integrating these new procedures after leaving the event. Besides the confidence you will gain from your pain management course and certification; you will also receive practical business training to become financially successful with these new services.
Physicians who successfully complete the Pain Management Certification program and demonstrate proficiency with the newly learned injection procedures will receive a Certificate of Achievement as well as allow physicians to advance towards getting their AAOPM Board Certification in Pain Management.
DAY 1 - 8:30am–9:00am
Speaker Introduction, Lumbosacral Osteology including Scotty Dog, lumbar vertebra, articular, spinous, and traverse processes, landmarks used in Pain Management. Sacrum anatomy, Os Coxa, Sacroiliac Joint, and lumbrosacral region. Injection approaches and correct needle placement for diagnostic and therapeutic pain pathologies.
Chemical Agents used in Pain Management Injections including facet injections, epidurals, diagnostic injections, anesthesia options, and chemical neurolysis. Review supplies and medications, contraindications, safety profiles, as well as contrasting agents used for imaging including suggested dosing and protocols.
Lunch (on your own)
Fluoroscopy Basics: safety, function, setup, exposure patterns, and general guidelines for image guidance. Ultrasound Basics including advantages, disadvantages, and limitations, transducer selection, advanced technologies, and scanning approaches. Introduction and protocols for Radio Frequency Ablation, new technologies and RF Ablation techniques for lumbar spine, medial branch, and pain indications used for. Introduction to Facet Syndrome including diagnosing various pathologies (indications), treatment protocols, and injection techniques.
Diagnostic Lumbar Facet Joint Injections, pain referrals, medial branch technique, intra-articular technique, patient selection, and irregularities. Destructive Lumbar Facet Joint Injections and epidural training utilizing palpatory method and with image guidance utilizing fluoroscopy with contrast and ultrasound technologies for facet injections.
DAY 2 - 7:30am–8:00am
Review of pain pathologies, indications and treatments options, identification, symptoms, and testing options available for; HNP (herniated nucleus pulposus), spinal stenosis, instability, Spondylolysis, discogenic pain, osteophytes, facet arthritis and other degenerative disk disorders. Proper ICD-10 and CPT Coding, RVU, J-Codes, Global Periods, Patient Charting for various pain procedures as well as valuation of cash basis (non-insurance) pain management services.
Large and small bursa injection training, sacroiliac joint, shoulder injections, AC joint, knee injections and approaches, hip injections, elbow and small bursa. Viscosupplementation therapies for osteoarthritis of the knee and shoulder. Trigger Point Injections, referred pain indications for soft tissues and tendinopathies, Prolotherapy and the use of biologics (i.e. botulinum toxin, platelet rich plasma, exosomes, and umbilical cord blood) for interventional pain procedures.
Lunch (on your own)
Group “A”: Supervised hands-on training using fluoroscopy on anatomical models or cadavers for the following pain management injections; medial branch block, SI joint, Epidural Training and lower lumbar facets (all levels). All protocols, fluoroscopy orientation, safety, and positioning as well as the guidelines for procedures.
Group “B”: Supervised hands-on training utilizing anatomical models for large a medium bursa injections. Review of MSK ultrasound for injections, scanning of “live” patient for various anatomical locations. All protocols, safety considerations, visual approaches for injections, and guidelines for procedure.
Group “B”: Supervised hands-on training using fluoroscopy on anatomical models or cadavers for the following pain management injections; medial branch block, SI joint, Epidural Training and lower lumbar facets (all levels). All protocols, fluoroscopy orientation, safety, and positioning as well as the guidelines for procedures.
Group “A”: Supervised hands-on training utilizing anatomical models for large a medium bursa injections. Review of MSK ultrasound for injections, scanning of “live” patient for various anatomical locations. All protocols, safety considerations, visual approaches for injections, and guidelines for procedure.
DAY 3 - 8:30am–9:00am
Chronic Pain Management Administration, requirements, FDA oversight, compliance, and ethical standards. Review of various pain medications, mechanism of action, patient selection, follow-up, tapering, and side effects (i.e. testosterone). Patient evaluation, psychological review, chronic versus acute pain pathologies, legal concerns, and administrative record keeping. Patient drug contracts, testing, and re-evaluation.
Physical Therapy options for lower lumbar pain management, prescribing for physical therapy and requirements for physical therapy. Demonstration and review of the Cervical Spine, cervical epidurals and cervical facets including needle placement, injection techniques, contrast, pain pathologies, and alternative therapies.
Lunch (on your own)
Questions and Answers, Certification Pathways. Final Interventional Pain Management Certifications.
Supervised Open Lab Session: Supplemental Hands-On anatomical Model or Cadaver injection training under fluoroscopy for all image guided injections. All spinal injection training, trigger point injections, ultrasound guided injections, and specialty injections are demonstrated and available for additional practice by attendees (i.e. thoracic spine, cervical spine).
DISCLAIMER: The following is a summary of the course agenda. The full course agenda will be emailed to you a few days prior to the course. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our office.
The American Academy of Procedural Medicine offers Board Certification Pathways for Physicians in Aesthetics, Functional Medicine, and Pain Management. AAOPM is proud to offer certification courses for physicians and nurses in New York, Las Vegas, Orlando, Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville, Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Fort Lauderdale, San Francisco and many other cities.
Call today to find out how to get your Certification Plaque Free.
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